What all you can query with crsctl query command in 12cR2

Complete Reference of crsctl query Command RAC 12cR2

Display CRS admin list

$ crsctl query crs administrator
CRS Administrator List: oracle root
Gets the value of automatic start delay and server Count

$ crsctl query crs autostart
'Autostart delay':       0
'Autostart servercount': 1

Lists the Oracle Clusterware active Version

$ crsctl query crs activeversion
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []

List the cluster state and active patch Level

$ crsctl query crs activeversion -f
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []. The cluster upgrade state is [NORMAL]. The cluster active patch level is [0].

Lists the Oracle Clusterware release version
$ crsctl query crs releaseversion
Oracle High Availability Services release version on the local node is []
Lists the version of Oracle Clusterware software installed

$ crsctl query crs softwareversion -all
Oracle Clusterware version on node [node1] is []
Oracle Clusterware version on node [node2] is []

Lists the Oracle Clusterware release patch level
$ crsctl query crs releasepatch
Oracle Clusterware release patch level is [0] and no patches have been applied on the local node.
Lists the patch level of Oracle Clusterware software installed

$ crsctl query crs softwarepatch
Oracle Clusterware patch level on node node1 is [0].
Lists the Last active timestamp of a leaf node in case of Flex Cluster

$ crsctl query crs lastactivetimestamp
  CRS-41006: Node node1 is not a leaf node.
Note:- you will get proper oputput if you have Flex Cluster configurtion
List the site to which the node or disk belongs.
$ crsctl query crs site -n node1
Node 'node1' belongs to site 'rac01'
$ crsctl query crs site -d DISK1
Disk 'DISK1' belongs to site 'rac01'

Checks whether Oracle Clusterware has been configured for IPMI

$   crsctl query css ipmiconfig
CRS-4237: Oracle Clusterware is not fully configured to use IPMI
Checks whether the IPMI device/driver is present

$ crsctl query css ipmidevice
CRS-4218: Unable to access an IPMI device on this system
Lists the voting files used by Cluster Synchronization Services
$ crsctl query css votedisk
##  STATE    File Universal Id                File Name Disk group
--  -----    -----------------                --------- ---------
 1. ONLINE   c3723335e2f14f2abf29a7f3e1f8d2cf (/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK2) [OCR_VOT]
 2. ONLINE   d70e3c6100f34f32bff4d18de037ed7b (/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK1) [OCR_VOT]
 3. ONLINE   c28a7ab739174f41bf61e9fef170a291 (/dev/oracleasm/disks/DISK3) [OCR_VOT]
Located 3 voting disk(s).

Check if the designated wallet or user exists
crsctl query wallet -type [-name ] [-user | -all]
     wallet_type     Type of wallet i.e. APPQOSADMIN, APPQOSUSER, APPQOSDB, MGMTDB, OSUSER or CVUDB.
     name            Name is required for APPQOSDB and CVUDB wallets.
     user_name       User to be queried from wallet.
     all             List all users in wallet

List the system configured DNS server, search paths, attempt and timeout values

$ crsctl query dns -servers
CRS-10018: the following configuration was found on the system:
CRS-10019: There are 1 domains in search order. They are:
CRS-10022: There are 1 name servers. They are:
CRS-10020: number of retry attempts for name lookup is: 4
CRS-10021: timeout for each name lookup is: 5

query the resolution of Server from DNS

  crsctl query dns -name [-dnsserver ] [-type ] [-port ] [-attempts ] [-timeout ] [-v]   

    name                Fully qualified domain name to lookup
    DNS_server_address  Address of the DNS server on which name needs to be looked up
    query_type          The query type is A or AAAA for IPv4 or IPv6 respectively. The default query_type is A.
    port                Port on which DNS server is listening
    attempts            Number of retry attempts
    timeout             Timeout in seconds

$ crsctl query dns -name node1.oracle.com -dnsserver
CRS-10024: DNS server returned  for name node1.oracle.com

$ crsctl query dns -name scan -dnsserver
CRS-10024: DNS server returned  for name scan

List the cluster resource Activity log.

  crsctl query calog [-aftertime ] [-beforetime ] [-duration | -follow] [-filter ] [-fullfmt | -xmlfmt]

 List the valid credentials targets to be used with credentials commands

$ crsctl query credentials targetlist

List the valid credentials under a specific target

crsctl query credentials -target
List the nodes and disks that the sites contain.

  crsctl query cluster site { | -all}
       site_name             The site name to be queried
       -all                  List all sites.

$ crsctl query cluster site -all

Site 'rac01' identified by GUID 'b8d38f6a064f6f7aff8334e9061f3cc4' in state 'ENABLED' contains nodes 'node1,node2' and no disk.
Obtain Member Cluster Configuration Information
crsctl query member_cluster_configuration []

        member_cluster_name    Name of the Member Cluster
         If no member cluster name is provided then the details of all
         the member clusters are displayed.

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