Creating and Maintaining Password File for oracle Database

Creating and Maintaining Password File for oracle Database

1> Orapwd is utility used to manage oracle password file
2> OS authentication always takes precedence over password file authentication
3> Setting REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter to non ignores password file     authentication even if the password file is present
4>    Password file cannot be modified  if REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter is set to null
5> Creating a password file via orapwd enables remote users  to connect with administrative privileges through SQL*Net

orapwd FILE=filename [ENTRIES=numusers] [FORCE={y|n}] [ASM={y|n}]
[DBUNIQUENAME=dbname] [FORMAT={12|legacy}] [SYSBACKUP={y|n}] [SYSDG={y|n}]
[SYSKM={y|n}] [DELETE={y|n}] [INPUT_FILE=input-fname]

Creating a Database Password File Located in an Oracle ASM Disk Group

orapwd FILE='+DATA/orcl/orapworcl' ENTRIES=10 DBUNIQUENAME='orcl' FORMAT=12

Creating a Database Password File with a SYSBACKUP Entry

orapwd FILE='+DATA/orcl/orapworcl' ENTRIES=10 DBUNIQUENAME='orcl' SYSBACKUP=y

Creating a Database Password File Located in a File System

orapwd FILE='/u01/oracle/dbs/orapworcl' ENTRIES=30 FORMAT=12

Migrating a Legacy Database Password File to Oracle Database 12c Format

orapwd FILE='/u01/oracle/dbs/orapworcl' FORMAT=12 INPUT_FILE='/u01/oracle/dbs/orapworcl' FORCE=y

Describing a Password File

orapwd DESCRIBE FILE='orapworcl' Password file Description : format=12 ignorecase=N

To check the list of users in the password file


To add the user to password file 

SQL> grant sysdba to test;

To remove the user from password file 

SQL> Revoke sysdba to test;